Welcome to City Nature Challenge 2024!


We had great weather and lots of fun discoveries! Join us Tuesday April 30 or Thursday May 1 to learn how to scroll through the observations that need some ID help and pick up a few tricks that will make you a strong member of the iNaturalist community. See the journal entry here for details:



What’s CNC All About?

Do you like observing nature? Make your observations count! The City Nature Challenge is an adventure in metropolitan areas worldwide to discover and identify wildlife. We’ll be looking for signs of life in parks, neighborhoods, and backyards to see what plants and animals share our environment. Join the City Nature Challenge and become a citizen scientist!

Why participate?

It’s fun—and it’s a great reason to spend some time with nature. You’ll help scientists collect valuable information on biodiversity. And you’ll help the Washington DC metro area find as many species as possible! See what we found in 2023!

Who is eligible?

Everyone in the Washington DC metropolitan area with access to a camera and the internet can observe wildlife with us. Anyone worldwide can help with identifying our finds!

Where do I participate?

You might be surprised what a large area is included in our Washington metro area project.

How do I participate? See this quick video, then read on below!

1. Observe! (Friday April 26 – Monday April 29)

Find Wildlife

It can be any plant, animal, fungus, slime mold, or any other evidence of life (scat, fur, tracks, shells, carcasses!) that you find in the DC metro area.

Take a Picture of What you Find

Be sure to note the location of the critter or plant. Smartphones will do this automatically.

Share Your Observations

Upload your findings to iNaturalist .

2. Identify! (April 30-May 5)

Even if you are outside the area, you can help identify the creatures found by observers.  It’s fun to see what people are finding! See our Resources for Participants page for how-to videos and ID training events and more!

We have an online shop for City Nature Challenge T-shirts! Order your CNC swag so you get it on time from our online store on Bonfire!